A number is an even number, the sum of all factors is 42, and it is a multiple of 2 and 5 (it is a two digit number) What's the double-digit number

A number is an even number, the sum of all factors is 42, and it is a multiple of 2 and 5 (it is a two digit number) What's the double-digit number

Factor: 1,2,4,5,10,20

There is a two digit number, which is an even number. The sum of all factors is 28, which is a multiple of 3. What is the number?

The sum of all factors is 28, which is not more than 28. It is both an even number and a multiple of 3
24, 18 and 12. The number is 12

A two digit number is even, and the sum of all its factors is 18, which is also a multiple of 2 and 5
What's the number


A number, which is an even number, the product of all its factors is 60, which is also a multiple of 2 and 3, which is a two digit number

Are you sure it's "the product of factors is 60" instead of "the sum of factors is 60"? If it's a product, then such a number doesn't exist
The reason is that since the product of factors is 60, then the factor must have 2,3,5, then a number factor has 2,3,5, the smallest number is 30, but it is easy to know that 30 does not meet the conditions, that is, its product of factors is not equal to 60. Then the number larger than 30 is even larger
If it's sum, then the number is 24, because the factor of 24 is
All together = 60