There are 4 boxes of fruits. The average number of apples, pears and oranges is 42. The average number of pears, oranges and peaches is 36. The average number of apples and peaches is 37

There are 4 boxes of fruits. The average number of apples, pears and oranges is 42. The average number of pears, oranges and peaches is 36. The average number of apples and peaches is 37

It is known that the average number of apples, pears and oranges in a box is 42. Is the average number of apples, pears and oranges in a box 42?
Apple x, pear y, orange Z, peach M
X = 86, M = 62, y + Z = 82, see if there are less conditions

There are apples, pears, peaches and oranges in the basket
There are apples, pears, peaches and oranges in the basket. There are 81 children in the basket. If each child takes any two fruits from them, how many children at least take the same fruits?

First of all, analyze how many kinds of fruits children take out when they take two fruits at will. There are four kinds of the same two fruits (two apples, two pears, two peaches, two oranges), and six kinds of different two fruits (apples and pears, apples and peaches, apples and oranges, pears and peaches, pears and oranges, peaches and oranges

There are 4 boxes of apples, apples, pears and oranges, with an average of 42 in each box. Pears, oranges and peaches, with an average of 36 in each box. Apples and peaches, with an average of 37 in each box. How many apples are there in a box
Don't hit *, if you want to hit *, explain the meaning first, otherwise I don't understand

If there are 4 boxes of apples, it should be changed to 4 boxes of fruits. If there are 42 apples in each box, there will be 42 * 3 = 126 pears. If there are 36 oranges in each box, there will be 36 * 3 = 108 apples in each box, 126-108 = 18 apples and 37 peaches in each box