A number multiplied by 8, subtracted by 8, divided by 8, plus 8, is exactly 163. Find this number

A number multiplied by 8, subtracted by 8, divided by 8, plus 8, is exactly 163. Find this number

Reverse thinking [(163-8) × 8 + 8] / 8 = 156

If you add 8 to a number, multiply 8, subtract 8, and divide by 8, the result is still 8. What is this number?

It's 1

Add 8 to a number, multiply by 8, subtract 8, divide by 8, and the result is still 8. Then the number is ()
A. 0B. 1C. 8D. 10

(8 × 8 + 8) △ 8-8, = 72 △ 8-8, = 1

A simple method to calculate (- 99 and 98 / 99) × 50!

Replace - 99 and 98 / 99 with - 100 + 1 / 99 and multiply by 50
(- 99 and 98 / 99) × 50
=- (99 and 98 / 99) × 50
= -(100-1/99)×50
= -(100×50-50/99)
= -5000+50/99
=- 4999 and 49 out of 99