The divisor divided by the divisor quotient is 17, the divisor minus the divisor difference is 160, how much is the divisor?

The divisor divided by the divisor quotient is 17, the divisor minus the divisor difference is 160, how much is the divisor?

A: the divisor is 170

The difference between the divisor and the divisor is 160, the quotient is 17, and the divisor is 160(

The answer is 160 / (17-1) = 10,10 + 160 = 170, so the divisor is 170!

The divisor divided by the divisor quotient is 17-8. Given that the sum of the divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 501, what are the divisor and divisor?

Divisor (501-8-17-8) / (1 + 17) = 468 / 18 = 26
Divisor 501-26-17-8 = 450