Here are three addition formulas. What numbers do square, triangle and circle represent to make the equation hold? □ + □ + △ + Θ = 20 (1) □+△+△+○=17…… (2) □+△+○+○=15…… (3)

Here are three addition formulas. What numbers do square, triangle and circle represent to make the equation hold? □ + □ + △ + Θ = 20 (1) □+△+△+○=17…… (2) □+△+○+○=15…… (3)

1. Sum of three figures: (20 + 17 + 15) △ 4 = 13
2. Square: 20-13 = 7
3. Triangle: 17-13 = 4
4. Round: 15-13 = 2

Triangle, circle and square represent three numbers
And triangle + triangle = square + square + square, square + square + square=
Circle + circle + circle + circle, triangle + square + circle + circle = 400
Triangle = (); square = (); circle = ()

Triangle + triangle = square + square + square, square + square + square=
Circle + circle + circle + circle, triangle + square + circle + circle = 400
Triangle = (150); square = (100); circle = (75)
Do with multiple relation

The formula of a vertical calculation is △ □ × [= 2 □ □ △. Note that the number of two triangles is the same, the number of four squares is the same, and finally it is equal to this number

There are only two

The same symbols in the formula of □ △ + □ △ + □ △ = 888 represent the same numbers. What numbers do square, five pointed star and triangle represent

Because the three numbers are the same, 888 △ 3 = 296
The square represents two, the five pointed star represents nine, and the triangle represents six