Square plus square plus triangle plus Pentagon is equal to 16, triangle plus Pentagon plus circle plus circle is equal to 14?

Square plus square plus triangle plus Pentagon is equal to 16, triangle plus Pentagon plus circle plus circle is equal to 14?

The result is: 15
Positive + positive + three + five = 16
Three + five + circle + circle = 14
Add the two and divide by 2

What is the minimum size of a triangle? If the square is eight, what is the minimum size of a Pentagon

1. The triangle should be at least 7.2. The pentagram should be at least 62

Triangle circle = square, rectangle multiplied by triangle = circle, rectangle divided by circle = Pentagon, write a formula

x-y = z;
r*x = y;
r/y = q;
Let r = 6; X = 2, then: y = 12; q = 0.5; Z = - 10;
Just look at the formula