


What is the graph represented by equation (X & # 178; - 4) &# 178; + (Y & # 178; - 4) &# 178; = 0?

The square of a number should be the square of the number, which is greater than or equal to 0. So only when x \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\(1); =The figure represented by 0 is the four vertices of a square

The standard deviation of data 5015025035045055506507508509 is______ .

The average of this set of data = (501 + 502 + 503 + 505 + 506 + 507 + 508 + 509) △ 9 = 2, variance = 19 [(501-505) 2 + (502-505) 2 + (503-505) 2 + (504-505) 2 + (505-505) 2 + (506-505) 2 + (507-505) 2 + (508-505) 2 + (509-505) 2] = 203, standard deviation = 203

How to calculate 501 + 502 + 503 + 504 + 505 + 506 + 507 by multiplication
