The total industrial output value of a township last year was 2 billion yuan, so the population of the township is y (ten thousand people) and the per capita industrial and agricultural output value The total industrial output value of a township last year was 2 billion yuan, so the functional relationship between the population of the township y (ten thousand people) and the per capita industrial and agricultural output value x (ten thousand yuan) is, the functional relationship is It's urgent. Come on,

The total industrial output value of a township last year was 2 billion yuan, so the population of the township is y (ten thousand people) and the per capita industrial and agricultural output value The total industrial output value of a township last year was 2 billion yuan, so the functional relationship between the population of the township y (ten thousand people) and the per capita industrial and agricultural output value x (ten thousand yuan) is, the functional relationship is It's urgent. Come on,

The total industrial output value of a township last year was 2 billion yuan, so the functional relationship between the population of the township y (10000 people) and the per capita industrial and agricultural output value x (10000 yuan) is xy = 20 (x > 0, Y > 0), and the functional relationship is an inverse proportional function

The total output value of a factory in the previous year is 5 million yuan more than the total expenditure, and the total output value of last year is 9.5 million yuan more than the total expenditure. It is known that the total output value of last year is 15% higher than that of the previous year, and the total expenditure is 10% lower than that of the previous year. The total output value and total expenditure of the previous year are calculated

Set the year before last as X and the expenditure as y
{x=y+500 ①
{(1+15%)x=(1-10%)y+950 ②
To replace one with another
Put y = 1500 generations
100% right! I just did it