The income in 1994 was 229 yuan, and that in 2009 was 11320 yuan. What is the average annual growth rate? How to calculate it?

The income in 1994 was 229 yuan, and that in 2009 was 11320 yuan. What is the average annual growth rate? How to calculate it?

There are two ways:
1. Geometric average yield = (11320 / 229) to the 15th power - 1 = 29.7%
2. Arithmetic average rate of return, need to know each year's growth rate, and then calculate the arithmetic average

The profit (gross output value total expenditure) of a factory last year was 500000 yuan. This year's gross output value increased by 10% compared with last year, and the total expenditure decreased by 20% compared with last year. It is planned that this year's profit will be 1.3 million yuan. What are the total output value and total expenditure of last year?
Suppose the total output value of last year is x ten thousand yuan and the total expenditure is y yuan

x-y=50 (1)
That is y = x-50
So 1.1 x-0.8 (x-50) = 130
So last year's total output value was 3 million yuan, and the total expenditure was 2.5 million yuan

The output of a factory this year is 25% higher than that of last year, and the output of last year is less than that of this year______ %.

The output of last year is 20% less than that of this year