After two price cuts, the retail price of a commodity is reduced to half of the original price. It is known that the percentage of two price cuts is the same. How about the percentage of each price cut? (accurate to 1%, 2 = 1.414)

After two price cuts, the retail price of a commodity is reduced to half of the original price. It is known that the percentage of two price cuts is the same. How about the percentage of each price cut? (accurate to 1%, 2 = 1.414)

Suppose the original price is 1, then the current price is 12, then the equation is: 1 × (1-x) 2 = 12, the solution is: X1 = 0.293, X2 = 2.414, X2 = 2.414 does not conform to the meaning of the question, x = 0.293 ≈ 29%, a: the percentage of each reduction is 29%

The retail price of a certain commodity in 2006 is 25% higher than that in 2004, while that in 2008 is only 10% higher than that in 2004

The correct answer is C: 12%

If you want to restore the original price of a commodity after a 10% reduction in price, you should raise the price______ .

Analysis: if the original price of goods is a and the price should be increased is x, then there is a (1-10%) (1 + x) = a, x = 11 − 10% - 1 = 109-1 = 19 ≈ 11.11%

The purchase price of a certain commodity is a yuan per piece, and the retail price is 1100 yuan per piece. A store can still get 10% profit by reducing the retail price by 20%. Try to find the value of A

From the meaning of the question: a (1 + 10%) = 1100 × (1-20%), the solution: a = 800