Must a directed line segment be a vector?

Must a directed line segment be a vector?

Not necessarily! For example, if a vector calculates the inner product, your directed line segment can't calculate the inner product. Only sometimes we don't calculate the inner product, we can express a vector as a directed line segment
In addition, don't worry, this kind of question ~ entrance examination, college entrance examination papers will not be involved, will avoid fuzzy situation
A vector has only two elements: direction and size
The directed line segment has three elements: starting point, direction and size
We often use directed line segments to represent vectors. Vectors can be represented by one lowercase letter or two uppercase letters, that is, the starting point and the ending point of a line segment. Drawing a graph is a directed line segment. You can express it like this: vectors can be represented by directed line segments
Vectors are free and can be translated. Different directed line segments can be equal vectors. Vectors can have addition, subtraction, number multiplication, or inner product or outer product operations, but directed line segments cannot
The vectors before and after translation are equal, but the directed line segments are different

How can a vector be a directed line segment with coordinates

Take the coordinate origin as the starting point, then according to the direction, the distance to determine that point is the vector coordinates
Of course, if we take (1,1) as the starting point and (3,4) as the ending point, the vector coordinates are (2,3)

A directed line segment is a vector, and a vector is a directed line segment, right? Why

The two cannot be confused at all
Vector has the properties of dot product, projection, translation, addition and subtraction, while directed line segment has none of these properties!
The inverse of a directed line segment can have its unit direction vector

If two vectors are not equal, can they be represented by the same directed line segment
If two vectors are not equal, they must not be represented by the same directed line segment

The answer is yes. A vector itself is a directed line segment. Since two vectors are not equal, they cannot be represented by the same directed line segment, but they may be on the same line