In the cube abcd-a1b1c1d1 with edge length of 1, Acb1 in the vertical plane of BD1 is proved

In the cube abcd-a1b1c1d1 with edge length of 1, Acb1 in the vertical plane of BD1 is proved

Proof: if BD is connected, then
Also ∵ dd1 ⊥ ABCD
⊥ AC ⊥ bdd1
Connecting BA1 is the same as Ab1 ⊥ BD1
{BD1 ⊥ plane Acb1

In the cube abcd-a1b1c1d1, (1) calculate the angle between b1c1 and plane ab1c, (2) calculate the distance between C1 and plane ab1c, (3) calculate the volume of a-b1c1c
Please write the process, thank you
Come on~

Establish the coordinate system, a (000) B (100) C (110) d (010) A1 (001) etc. (1) b1c1 vector (010) in plane ab1c, Ab1 vector coordinate (101) AC coordinate (110), then a normal vector of plane ab1c is x (1, - 1, - 1), the sine of the angle is equal to the cosine of the angle between b1c1 and X, equal to - 1

In the cube abcd-a1b1c1d1, there are several sections parallel to AC and passing through the three vertices of the cube
The inclination angle of L1 is A1, and the inclination angle of L2 is A2. In the following four arguments, ① if sina1 = sina2, L1 and L2 coincide; ② if cosa1 = cosa2, L1 and L2 coincide; ③ if cos A1 > cos A2, L1 slope is greater than L2 slope; ④ if Tan A1 > Tan A2, L1 slope is greater than L2 slope

There must be only one, a1b1c1d1, because three points define one plane, and the other planes intersect AC