If the side length of diamond ABCD is 5cm and one diagonal is 6cm, the area of diamond ABCD is 5cm___ cm2.

If the side length of diamond ABCD is 5cm and one diagonal is 6cm, the area of diamond ABCD is 5cm___ cm2.

Because the diagonals of the diamond are perpendicular to each other, according to the Pythagorean theorem, if half of the other diagonal is 4cm, then the length of the other diagonal is 8cm, then the area of the diamond ABCD is 6 × 8 △ 2 = 24cm2

The height of the straight prism with diamond bottom is 12cm, and the length of the diagonal of the two bodies is 15cm and 20cm respectively
Find the side length of the bottom surface is ()

Because the length of the two diagonals is 15 and 20 respectively, and the height is 12, the length of the two diagonals on the bottom is 9 and 16 according to Pythagorean theorem. Because the diagonals of the diamond are perpendicular to each other, the side length of the diamond is (radical 145) / 2 according to Pythagorean theorem

The bottom is a prismatic prism, its side edges are perpendicular to the bottom, and the length of the side edges is 5cm, its diagonal length is 9cm and 15cm respectively, then the side area of the prism is

Because his diagonals are 9 and 15, and the diagonals of the diamond are perpendicular to each other, the side length of the ground diamond is 4.5x4.5 + 7.5x7.5 under the root sign, and the side area of 76.5 prism is 4 times of that of one side, so the side area is 76.5 under the root sign 4x5x