X squared-4x-9996

X squared-4x-9996


The square of 4x minus the square of 4xk minus the square of 5K equals 0. How many k equals several x

Known: 4x ^ 2-4xk-5k ^ 2 = 0 transformation equation, as far as possible with the square, a square term with 4x ^ 2-4xk + K ^ 2-6k ^ 2 = 0 (2x-k) ^ 2-6k ^ 2 = 0, using the square difference formula for Factorization (2x-k + √ 6K) * (2x-k - √ 6K) = 0 [2x - (1 - √ 6) k] * [2x - (1 + √ 6) k] = 0, so [2x - (1 - √ 6) k] = 0, that is, x = (1 -

If there is no square term of X in the cubic power of the monomial 3x - the square of 4x + the square of X + the square of K, then the value of K is

The solution consists of the third power of 3x - the square of 4x + the square of X + the square of K, and the square of X - 5
The formula does not contain the square term of X
That is 4-K & # 178; = 0
That is, k = ± 2