X ^ 2-4y ^ 2 = 12 x + 2Y = 6 to solve the equation

X ^ 2-4y ^ 2 = 12 x + 2Y = 6 to solve the equation

x²-4y²=12 x+2y=6①
That is x-2y = 2
① + 2, get 2x = 8, x = 4
Substituting x = 4 into 1, we get 4 + 2Y = 6, y = 1
The solution of the original equations is x = 4, y = 1

Conversion formula of linear speed and rotational speed!
Sorry! What I want to ask is the formula of n = 1000V / (3.14 * d)! Machining!

The first floor makes sense
Angular velocity W = 2 * 3.14 * n
Substituting v = R * 2 * 3.14 * n
=D * 3.14 * n 2R = D
The result is n = V / (3.14 * d)
As for why there is 1000, I think it's because the unit of n is not rpm

How to convert linear speed into spindle speed? Give a formula! For example, linear speed is 20 mm / min, speed is?

Spindle speed? Is it angular speed? If you understand these two concepts clearly, it's easy to do. For a circle with radius r, the circumference is 2 π R, with a total of 360 degrees. In radians, it's 2 π linear speed of 20 mm / min, that is, a point on the circumference, a minute's journey is 20 mm. Assuming that your radius is r, then the angle of 20 mm is 360 ° * 2