Uncle Zhang's animals include cattle, chickens, dogs, rabbits, pigs, and uncle Liu's animals include pigs, sheep, chickens, dogs, rabbits. How many different kinds of animals do Uncle Zhang and uncle Liu's family raise

Uncle Zhang's animals include cattle, chickens, dogs, rabbits, pigs, and uncle Liu's animals include pigs, sheep, chickens, dogs, rabbits. How many different kinds of animals do Uncle Zhang and uncle Liu's family raise

There are 6 kinds, including cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs, rabbits and pigs

Li Gang, Wang Ming and Zhang Li buy five loaves and share them equally. Li Gang pays for three loaves and Wang Ming pays for two loaves. After eating, Zhang Li takes out six yuan. How many yuan should Zhang Li give to Li Gang and Wang Ming?

Zhang Li took 6 yuan to explain that the total price of five loaves should be 18 yuan, so a loaf is 3.6 yuan, so Li Gang took 10.8 yuan, Wang Ming took 7.2 yuan, so to Li Gang should be 10.8 minus 6, that is 4.8 yuan, to Wang Ming 7.2 minus 6, that is 1.2 yuan. I think so!

The third power of (10-1 / 10x) = - 8000, solve the equation!

(10-1/10x)^3=-8000 =(-20)^3

A quadratic equation of one variable,
In order to meet the "June 1" International Children's day, the mall decided to take appropriate price reduction measures to expand sales, increase profits and reduce inventory. According to market survey, if the price of each children's clothing is reduced by 4 yuan, 8 more children's clothing can be sold every day,
(1) If the clothing counter wants to make an average profit of 1200 yuan per day in selling this kind of children's clothing, how much should each piece of children's clothing be reduced?
(2) Are the price reduction measures in (1) above the price reduction measures for maximizing the profit of the day? If not, please design the price reduction measures for maximizing the profit of the clothing cabinet

(1) Suppose that each piece of children's clothing should be reduced by X Yuan and the profit is y yuan, then
Y = (20 + 8 * x / 4) * (40-x) = 2 (- x ^ 2 + 30x + 400) (where 0