What's the difference between average rate and instantaneous rate? Specific formula?

What's the difference between average rate and instantaneous rate? Specific formula?

First of all, the concept of speed is different from that of speed. Speed has both number and direction, that is, vector. Speed has only number, that is, scalar. Average speed and average speed are based on the total mileage divided by time in a certain period of time, while instantaneous speed and instantaneous speed are the speed or speed of a certain point in time···

What are the average velocity formula, the average velocity formula, the instantaneous velocity formula and the instantaneous velocity formula?

Average velocity v = total displacement S / time t
Average speed v = total distance S / time t
Instantaneous velocity v = DS = V0 + at
Instantaneous rate V = DS = V0 + at

Seeking 500 oral arithmetic questions in grade three

Here are 536 third grade mental arithmetic questions for you to choose from
26+9= 57-38= 1500-700= 42×2= 99×3= 770×7=
660×3= 960×3= 180×9= 65+15= 660×6= 800×2=
50×5= 3×800= 420×7= 3×220= 480×4= 58+33=
420-20= 93×3= 880×4= 1200-200= 11×7= 80-46=
0×51= 0×76= 0×85= 70×7= 14×2= 5×900=
2×200= 84×4= 0×91= 930×3= 390×3= 0+22=
83-57= 29+68= 68-49= 80×7= 800×4= 330×3=
3×23= 64×2= 58+26= 34×2= 550×5= 800×8=
420×2= 63×3= 160×4= 800+700= 690×3= 58-0=
2×440= 48×2= 480×2= 60×5= 2×44= 840×4=
440×4= 32×3= 48×4= 540×9= 90×9= 13×3=
600×7= 120×3= 480×2= 39×3= 560×8= 990×3=
3×200= 620×2= 660×2= 640×8= 880×4= 7500-500=
0×91= 12×4= 3×31= 0×57= 120×4= 0×97=
360×9= 44×2= 960×3= 32×2= 2×440= 460×2=
70+500= 3×33= 280×4= 9×400= 3×330= 690×3=
49+33= 700×7= 23×3= 78-36= 11×4= 230×3=
310×3= 390×3= 230×3= 11×4= 82-55= 310×3=
720×9= 4700-700= 600×3= 48+28= 640×8= 480×8=
7×50= 800×8= 880×8= 9×500= 80+17= 54+28=
42×3= 1700-800= 90×3= 180×3= 300×5= 930×3=
800×4= 60-15= 900×3= 450×9= 360×6= 37+56=
32×3= 70×7= 1200-700= 300×6= 50×7= 0×37=
53-14= 17+27= 840×4= 2×14= 140×2= 660×6=
7×800= 7×700= 840×2= 430×2= 540×9= 31×3=
13×3= 34+56= 96×3= 2×330= 50×6= 680×2=
620×2= 6×800= 960×3= 1500-900= 1800-800= 63×3=
26+57= 800×8= 33+57= 600×3= 37+8= 480×8=
630×3= 62-33= 500+500= 33×2= 800×2= 700×8=
0×47= 560×7= 440×4= 93×3= 24×2= 0×54=
23×3= 12×30= 7×80= 48×10= 40×40= 40×10=
23×30= 60×50= 70×80= 10×68= 40×50= 30×21=
7×11= 50×70= 24×2= 30×70= 10×74= 50×10=
70×11= 30×40= 24×20= 12×20= 30×21= 20×70=
28×1= 20×13= 1×36= 10×19= 11×50= 30×30=
28×10= 20×50= 10×36= 30×33= 21×40= 12×10=
31×2= 14×20= 6×90= 20×33= 90×20= 20×13=
31×20= 22×3= 60×90= 39×10= 21×2= 44×20=
12×4= 22×30= 22×4= 30×80= 33×10= 50×90=
12×40= 220×3= 22×40= 90×40= 200×3= 41×20=
21×30= 10×46= 3×700= 33×30= 20×41= 6×600=
24×20= 50×30= 0×45= 50×70= 800×7= 60×6=
10×89= 69×10= 13×30= 23×30= 4×90= 60×60=
60×40= 90×30= 21×40= 30×20= 40×90= 2×31=
33×20= 40×70= 48+19= 70×6= 4×900= 2×310=
20+35= 45+35= 32×20= 70×60= 84×1= 900×6=
34×20= 33×30= 31×20= 700×6= 84×10= 9×800=
70×30= 2×42= 86-47= 5×90= 22×30= 6×500=
8×70= 42×20= 400+300= 5×900= 10×33= 22×0=
80×70= 200×4= 0×20= 6×60= 22×40= 44+20=
40×40= 43×20= 46+37= 420×6= 300×6= 40×11=
360×9= 10×34= 40×90= 90×60= 490×7= 20×34=
300×3= 80×4= 65×0= 330×3= 250×5= 680-80=
21×40= 80×40= 10×37= 20×50= 2000+300= 880×2=
70×20= 400×4= 0×66= 50×30= 640×8= 880×4=
400+300= 34+39= 360×6= 99×10= 12×20= 30×80=
41×20= 97×10= 700×7= 33×30= 0×59= 11×80=
200×4= 31×20= 600+90= 4700-700= 44-37= 40×12=
84-47= 630×7= 71-23= 0×43= 31×30= 21×30=
43×2= 0×20= 75+18= 23+48= 90×30= 30×12=
46+24= 0×73= 42×20= 100×5= 10×50= 350×5=
52-29= 240×2= 52+39= 400×8= 480×8= 33×30=
50×5= 800×3= 60×50= 410×2= 41×20= 310×3=
20×23= 440×4= 30×32= 0×35= 10×35= 29+61=
40×70= 30×30= 50×90= 80×30= 20×14= 90×50=
420×6= 300×6= 240×4= 69×10= 22×40= 33×20=
900×9= 810×9= 630×9= 30×23= 330×3= 0×30=
750-50= 480×8= 5000+2000= 77-48= 300×5= 300+700=
420×2= 820×2= 70×11= 4500-500= 20×40= 400×4=
11×40= 900×5= 67-49= 200×4= 8000-1000= 20×24=
57+29= 540×6= 10×73= 10×58= 0×49= 34×20=
80×90= 30×70= 120×4= 640×8= 720×9= 10×34=
65×10= 660×3= 700×5= 41×20= 7000-3000= 30×30=
10×47= 30×23= 660×6= 5900-5000= 11×40= 70×40=
10×36= 6000+2000= 80×80= 29+14= 80×50= 200×4=
36+56= 88×10= 600×6= 22×30= 400+600= 34+29=
800×8= 21×30= 720×8= 33×30= 32×20= 87×10=
500+40= 22×40= 440×4= 33×20= 320×4= 900×3=
77-29= 0×93= 640×2= 30×50= 75+18= 600+700=
40×70= 43+38= 90×50= 84-65= 43-16= 10×80=
57+29= 500+40= 88×10= 700×5= 80×90= 40×70=
21×30= 660×6= 65×10= 540×6= 22×40= 80×80=
10×47= 30×70= 0×93= 600×6= 10×36= 660×3=
43+38= 720×8= 36+56= 23×30= 10×73= 90×50=
800×8= 6000+2000= 120×4= 640×2= 5900-5000= 11×40=
10×34= 52+39= 29+14= 400+600= 7000-300= 11×70=
22×30= 32×20= 70×40= 41×20= 33×30= 320×4=
34+29= 480×8= 84-65= 75+18= 87×10= 43×2=
0×49= 43-16= 900×3= 24+56= 720×9= 34×20=
600+700= 21×40=

Ask 1100 questions of oral math in grade 3 to 5,
Please elder brothers and sisters, the best is 1100 questions, hundreds, dozens of questions can also be, few scores, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are arbitrary ah, I only have 2 days, please. All the math books have been copied, and so have the test papers and assignments. I can't find them,

1.45 + 15 脳 6 = 1352.250 脳 5 脳 8 = 4003.6 脳 5 脳 2 脳 4 = 604.30 脳 3 + 8 = 985.400 脳 4 + 20 脳 5 = 2006.10 + 12 脳 3 + 20 = 347. (80 脳 20 + 80) Mei 4 = 218.70 + (100-10 脳 5) = 1209.360 Mei 40 = 910.40 脳 20 = 80011.80-25 = 5512.70 + 45 = 11513.90 脳 2 = 18014.16