English quantifiers For various quantifiers, to plural For example, a school of fish The more like this, the better

English quantifiers For various quantifiers, to plural For example, a school of fish The more like this, the better

a cup of coffee
a jar of jam
a piece of news
a tube of toothpate
a piece/sheet of paper
a piece/slice of bread
a piece/bit of advice
a bottle/glass of water
a pack of wolves
a pair of shoes
a flock of birds/chickens
a group of people
a circle of friends
a swarm of ants
a collection of coins
a crew of sailors
a fieet of ships
a school of whales
a gang of hooligans
a string of pearls
a herd of cattle/elephants

What are quantifiers in English?

In Chinese, quantifiers refer to: a pen, a piece of paper, a book in the "rod, Zhang, Ben", as for the English "quantifiers", I found six from this article, attached below, please have a look

What's the clever use of quantifiers, such as an "eye" well

A well, a tree, a bird, two hands, a couple, a pen

What are the words with quantifiers like a well
Quantifiers should be poetic and picturesque!

A meter of sunshine, a crescent moon, a handful of springs, a leaf shade