M + on the computer

M + on the computer

M is memory, M + is positive, M - is negative

What does the m-of calculator mean?
Hurry up

- MS - store the number in the display column (M appears at the left end of the display). - MC - clear the stored number (the stored number changes to 0, m disappears). - Mr - display the stored number in the display column. - M + - add the number in the display column to the stored number. - M - M - subtract the number in the display column from the stored number. For example: 300 * 3 + 400 *

What do the M +, M - and MR on the calculator mean? Do you have a detailed explanation?

Mu (mark up and mark down key): press this key to complete the calculation of interest rate and tax rate. Power on / clear key (on / AC): press this key to power on or clear the values in all registers. Clear key (c): during the digital input period, pressing this key for the first time will clear all values except the contents of the memory

What is the meaning of the symbol on the number 6 in the keyboard of a computer

Usually, "^" is used as the expression of "power" in programming language, such as 9 ^ 3 for 9 & # 179; = 729

In a computer, all information is stored and expressed in the form of, and all data are composed of and

In the computer, all information is stored and expressed in binary form, and all data is composed of 0 and 1

What is the representation of data in a computer


A certain number is represented by 8421BCD code in computer as 01111000001001, and its true value is ()

Original code: 789
BCD code is to find the original code according to a * 8 + 4 * B + C * 2 + D * 1 if the original truth value is ABCD

1. A number is represented by 8421BCD code in computer as 0011 1001 1000, and its true value is ()
1. A certain number is represented by 8421BCD code as 0011 1001 1000 in computer, and its true value is (). A.398 b.398h c.1630q d.1110011000b 7. It can save (). A.1 / 2 B.1 / 3 C.1 / 4 D.1 / 5 by using hexadecimal writing

The first question: according to the 8421BCD law, the calculation process is as follows: 8 + 16 + 128 + 256 + 512 = 920d, there is no decimal 920, the answer turns to other decimal 920d = 398h = 1630o = 1110011000b, the answer has come out, needless to say -- the second question: 1-bit hexadecimal can be represented by 4-bit binary, so it is 1 / 4

The true value of 8421BCD code is 0011 1001 1000

Three hundred ninety-eight

How does scientific calculator calculate arc

That's SIN-1, COS-1, tan-1