Discriminant of the root of quadratic equation with one variable We know the equation x & # 178; + (M + 2) x + 2m-1 = 0 (1) Proof: the equation has two unequal real roots (2) When m is the value, the two parts of the equation are opposite to each other, and the solution of the equation is obtained

Discriminant of the root of quadratic equation with one variable We know the equation x & # 178; + (M + 2) x + 2m-1 = 0 (1) Proof: the equation has two unequal real roots (2) When m is the value, the two parts of the equation are opposite to each other, and the solution of the equation is obtained

So the equation must have two unequal real roots
2) If two are opposite numbers, then the sum of two = - (M + 2) = 0, that is, M = - 2
The equation is: x ^ 2-5 = 0
The roots are: √ 5 and - √ 5

On the equation (A-1) x ^ 2-2ax + a = 0 of X, when what is the value of a, the equation is a quadratic equation with one variable? When what is the value of a, the equation is a quadratic equation with one variable?

The coefficient of quadratic term is not zero, that is to say, when A-1 ≠ 0, a ≠ 1, the equation is quadratic equation with one variable
When the coefficient of quadratic term is zero and the coefficient of primary term is not zero, i.e. A-1 = 0, - 2A ≠ 0, i.e. a = 1, the equation is one variable linear equation

Discriminant of the root of quadratic equation of one variable (2) solution format
I forgot to take my notebook home. I didn't touch my math for a few days on national day
For example: when m takes what value, the equation 2x & # 178; - (4m + 1) x + 2m & # 178; - 1 = 0 (PS: there is no multiplication sign in the equation ~)
1) Have two unequal real roots?
2) Have two equal real roots?
3) No real roots?
Must be complete. The main problem is the format~
Thank you first

Quadratic equation of one variable
The discriminant is
When △ > 0, there are two unequal real roots;
When △ = 0, there are two equal real roots;

It is known that the quadratic equation of one variable with respect to X is KX + (2k-3) x + (K-3) = 0

x=1、 x=(k-3)/k

It is known that the quadratic equation of one variable x ^ 2-4kx + 1 / 4 = 0 (k is a constant greater than zero) has two equal real roots, then K=_____ The two equations are equal
The real root of is_____

From the question, △ = (4K) & # 178; - 4 × (1 / 4) = 16K & # 178; - 1 = 0
The solution is k = ± 1 / 4
The original equation is X & # 178; ± x + 1 / 4 = (x ± 1 / 2) &# 178; = 0
The solution is x = ± 1 / 2
So, if the equation has two equal real roots
Then, k = 1 / 4, and the two equal real roots of the equation are x = 1 / 2
Or, k = - 1 / 4, the two equal real roots of the equation are x = - 1 / 2

If - 2 is a root of the quadratic equation (k2-1) x2 + 2kx + 4 = 0 with respect to x, then K=______ .

∵ - 2 is a root of the univariate quadratic equation (k2-1) x2 + 2kx + 4 = 0 with respect to x, and the solution is k = 0 or 1. When k = 1, the equation is not a univariate quadratic equation, so k = 0

I have the answer to the problem of filling in the blanks,
1. If the equation x2 + 2x-1 + M = 0 has two equal real roots, then M=____ .
2. A is a rational number, B is a rational number____ The root of the equation 2x2 + (a + 1) x - (3a2-4a + b) = 0 is also rational
3. When k < 1, equation 2 (K + 1) x2 + 4kx + 2k-1 = 0 has____ The root of a real number
5. If the quadratic equation MX2 + 3x-4 = 0 with respect to X has real roots, then the value of M is____ .
6. If the equation 4mx2 MX + 1 = 0 has two equal real roots, then M is____ .
7. In the equation x2 MX + n = 0, m and N are rational numbers, and one root of the equation is 2
8. In the quadratic equation AX2 + BX + C = 0 (a ≠ 0), if a, B, C are rational numbers and Δ = b2-4ac is a complete square number, then the equation must have____ .
9. If M is a nonnegative integer and the quadratic equation (1-m2) x2 + 2 (1-m) X-1 = 0 has two real roots, then the value of M is____ .
10. If the quadratic equation kx2 + 1 = x-x2 about X has real roots, then the value range of K is____ .
11. Given that the equation 2x2 - (3m + n) x + M &; n = 0 has two unequal real roots, then the value range of M and N is____ .
12. If the two real roots of the equation a (1-x2) + 2bx + C (1 + x2) = 0 are equal, then the relation of a, B, C is_____ .
13. If the quadratic equation (k2-1) x2-6 (3K-1) x + 72 = 0 has two real roots, then K is___ .
14. If the quadratic equation (1-3k) x2 + 4x-2 = 0 has real roots, then the value range of K is____ .
15. The case of equation (x2 + 3x) 2 + 9 (x2 + 3x) + 44 = 0 is solution
16. If the equation x2 + PX + q = 0 has equal real roots, then the equation x2-p (1 + Q) x + Q3 + 2q2 + q = 0____ Real roots
3. There are two unequal
5. M ≥ - 9 / 16 and m ≠ 0
8. Two rational roots
K ≤ - 3 / 4 and K ≠ - 1
M, n is any real number not equal to zero
13. Any real number
15. No real number
16. There are also equal
My wealth value is only 2 now, I will answer a few questions to earn some wealth value, and I will offer you a reward!

1. In this equation, a = 1, B = 2, C = - 1 + m, so the square of discriminant = 2 - 4 × 1 × (- 1 + m) = 8-4m. Because the equation has two equal real roots, the discriminant = 8-4m = 0, so m = 2.3. Discriminant = 16K square - 8 × (K + 1) × (2k-1) = - 8K + 8, because K < 1, so - 8K > - 8, - 8K + 8 > 0, so

Two univariate quadratic equations with (radical 5) - 4, (radical 5) + 4 and coefficient of first order 2

Let ax ^ 2 + 2x + B = 0
Then X1 + x2 = 2 times (radical 5) = - 2 / A,
The solution is a = - 1 / (radical 5),
B = 11 / (radical 5)
The equation is [- 1 / (radical 5)] x ^ 2 + 2x + [11 / (radical 5)] = 0

According to the following requirements, the quadratic equation of one variable with quadratic coefficient 1 can be solved. (1) two are 2 + radical 3 and 2-radical 3 respectively
(2) The sum of the two is 3 and the product is - 4
2. For the equation x2-2 (K + 1) x + K2 = 0 of X, both of them are positive numbers to find the range of K
3. Given that the sum of the two reciprocal of the equation x2-2x + k = 0 is 8 / 3, find the value of K

How can we get the 2k-3k-2 = 0 from this | 3K-1 | = root sign (5 + 5K Square)

|3K-1 | = radical (5 + 5K)
Two sides square
Divide both sides by 2:2k-3k-2 = 0