Check the home circuit. Install the bulb with rated voltage of 220 V to the position of the circuit breaker and remove the circuit breaker. After the switch is closed, the bulb will light normally It can be judged that the a circuit is completely correct There is a short circuit in circuit B Open circuit in C circuit D can't judge if there's a problem Analyze again. Be careful. Good score. Choose d first

Check the home circuit. Install the bulb with rated voltage of 220 V to the position of the circuit breaker and remove the circuit breaker. After the switch is closed, the bulb will light normally It can be judged that the a circuit is completely correct There is a short circuit in circuit B Open circuit in C circuit D can't judge if there's a problem Analyze again. Be careful. Good score. Choose d first

There is a short circuit in circuit B. This is because when the line is not short circuited, the bulb is connected in series into the circuit and bears the voltage of 220 V together with other electrical appliances, and the voltage shared by the bulb must be less than 220 V and will not light normally (darker than normal), or when the line is not short circuited and other electrical appliances are not turned on, the bulb cannot form a circuit and will not light up

As shown in the figure is the circuit diagram of a table lamp with adjustable brightness, the power supply voltage is 220 V, the bulb specification is 220 V, 40 W, and the sliding rheostat specification is 1210 Ω, 3a. Try to calculate the variation range of the actual power of the bulb

Bulb resistance:
Minimum power:
The actual power of the bulb varies from about 20W to 40W

If an electric fan is connected to a circuit with a voltage of 220 V and the current intensity in the fan is known to be 0.5 A, how much work has the current done?


When an electric fan marked with "220V 100W" works normally, the voltage at both ends of it is__ 5. What is the power__ W. What is the current through the electric fan__ A. An hour's work consumes electricity__ Degree

When an electric fan marked with "220 V 100 W" works normally, the voltage at both ends of the fan is 220 V, and the electric power is 100 W. the current through the fan is 0.45 a, and the power consumption is 0.1 degree for one hour
Because the lamp lights normally, the actual voltage is the rated voltage, the actual power is the rated power, the current power is divided by the voltage, the power consumption is multiplied by the power on time, and the unit W is converted into kW