The first meter is 2500 rpm, 220 V, 3a, 50 Hz. Now it has 200 V, 600 W water heater. The meter turns 250 rpm in 10 minutes, Please calculate the actual power of the water heater?

The first meter is 2500 rpm, 220 V, 3a, 50 Hz. Now it has 200 V, 600 W water heater. The meter turns 250 rpm in 10 minutes, Please calculate the actual power of the water heater?

First of all, the constant of the meter is 2500r / kWh, and it turns 250 revolutions in 10 minutes,
Power consumption w = 250 / 2500 = 0.1kwh
The results are as follows
The energy consumption is 0.1kwh in 10 minutes
Power consumption per hour = 0.1 * 6 = 0.6kwh = 600W
The actual power is also 600W
Add: can't you understand my calculation above? Isn't the actual power calculated step by step?

Xiao Ming carefully observed the TV, fan, incandescent lamp and energy-saving lamp, and found that they were all marked with the word "220 V & nbsp; 40 W". If they all worked at the rated voltage for the same time, the most heat generated was ()
A. Television B. electric fan C. incandescent lamp D. energy saving lamp

TV, fan, incandescent lamp and energy-saving lamp are all marked with "220 V & nbsp; If they all work at the same time under the rated voltage, according to w = Pt, the four kinds of electrical appliances consume the same electric energy, but the television mainly converts the electric energy into sound energy and light energy; the electric fan mainly converts the electric energy into mechanical energy; the incandescent lamp mainly converts the electric energy into internal energy first, and then from internal energy into light energy; the energy-saving lamp mainly converts the electric energy directly As a result, incandescent lamp produces the most heat. So choose C

An electric appliance is marked with "220V 750W". What is the rated power of this electric appliance


When the voltage at both ends of the appliance is 110V, the rated power of the appliance is______ W. What is the actual power______ W. Its resistance is______ Ω

According to the name plate "220 V & nbsp; 100 W", the rated voltage of the consumer is u = 220 V, the rated power is p = 100 W; the resistance of the consumer is r = u2p = (220 V) 2100 w = 484 Ω; when the voltage at both ends of the consumer is 110 V, the actual power of the consumer is p = U2, the actual power is r = (110 V) 2484 Ω = 25 W; the resistance of the consumer has nothing to do with the voltage at both ends, it is 484 Ω