For example, if an electrical appliance is 380V to 220V, how is its current calculated? Is it 380V or 220V? If it is 220V to 12V?

For example, if an electrical appliance is 380V to 220V, how is its current calculated? Is it 380V or 220V? If it is 220V to 12V?

Power is fixed, voltage decreases, current increases, voltage increases, current decreases, energy is constant

How many square copper wires are needed for 220 V transmission 1500 meters ballast 350 W

How many square copper wires does it need to transmit 1500m ballast at 220V to 350W?
Voltage drop less than 220 * 5% = 11V
S = 0.018 * 1500 * 300 / 11 * 220 = 3.9 square mm
According to the wire specification: 4mm2

Judgment: the current I in the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage u at both ends of the conductor and inversely proportional to the resistance R of the conductor
If it's right, isn't it against resistance and voltage and current?

Correct, current is related to voltage and resistance, but resistance has nothing to do with current and voltage, and resistance is related to material, cross-sectional area, length and temperature of conductor

As shown in the figure is the relationship between the current I and the voltage U of the two resistors A and B. connect them into the circuit in parallel
A. The current passing through a is greater than that passing through B. the current passing through a is less than that passing through B. the total resistance of a and B in parallel decreases with the increase of voltage at both ends. D. the total resistance of a and B in parallel increases with the increase of voltage at both ends

(1) It can be seen from the I-U image that when the voltages at both ends of resistance a and resistance B are equal and less than the voltage at the intersection, the current flowing through resistance a is greater than that passing through resistance B; when the voltage is greater than the voltage at the intersection, the current passing through resistance a is less than that passing through resistance B; therefore, when the two resistors are in parallel, the current passing through resistance a is greater than that passing through resistance B when the voltage is small, and the current passing through resistance a is greater when the voltage is large The current through a resistor is less than that through B resistor, so AB is wrong; (2) according to the image, the resistance value of B resistor R B does not change with the change of voltage, which is a fixed value; according to Ohm's law r = UI, with the increase of voltage, the current through a resistor increases more slowly, so the resistance value of a resistor R A increases with the increase of voltage, which is determined by the characteristics of parallel circuit It is known that if 1R union = 1R a + 1R B, then r union = r a r b r a + R B = R B 1 + r b r A. from R union = R B 1 + r b r a, it is known that with the increase of voltage u, R B remains unchanged, r a increases, then the parallel resistance R increases, so the total resistance of a and B increases with the increase of voltage at both ends, so C is wrong, D is correct; therefore, D is selected