The resistance of an electrical appliance is 120 ohm. How many ohm resistance should be connected in parallel with the electrical appliance to make 185 / 5 of the total current in the circuit pass through the electrical appliance? If the voltage at both ends of the electrical appliance is 185 / 5 of the total voltage, how many ohm resistance should be connected in series with the electrical appliance?

The resistance of an electrical appliance is 120 ohm. How many ohm resistance should be connected in parallel with the electrical appliance to make 185 / 5 of the total current in the circuit pass through the electrical appliance? If the voltage at both ends of the electrical appliance is 185 / 5 of the total voltage, how many ohm resistance should be connected in series with the electrical appliance?

Parallel a 30 ohm,
Connect a 480 ohm

The resistance of an electrical appliance is 120 Ω. If a light bulb is connected in parallel with it, the current in the electrical appliance is 4 / 5 of the current on the main circuit after the power supply is connected, the resistance value of the light bulb is? 480 Ω)

According to the principle of the last time, the voltage of two components in parallel is the same. (suppose the voltage of the electric appliance is U1, current I1, resistance R1; the voltage of the bulb is U2, current I2, resistance R2). From the formula u = IR (because U1 = U2), we can get i1xr1 = i2xr2, and then we can get R2 = I1 / i2xr1. Because the electric appliance current I1 is 4 / 5 of the main circuit current, so I1 / I

The resistance of an electric heater is 220 Ω. When it is connected to the circuit, the power consumption is 66000j in 5min. What is the voltage at both ends of the appliance? When the current through it is 0.5A, what is the power consumption in 3min?

First calculate the power P = 66000 / 300 = 220W
The solution is u = 220 v
When the current through it is 0.5A, P = I ^ 2R = 0.25 * 220 = 55W
Power consumption within 3 min: w = Pt = 55 * 3 * 60 = 9900j

The resistance of the electrical appliance is 121 Ω. When it is connected to a 200 V circuit, it consumes 4 * 13 ^ 3j of electric energy. How long does it take?

Resistance consumption power P = u * U / r = 200x200 / 121
Power consumption = resistance power consumption p * time
=>Time = consumed power / resistance consumed power p
=4*13^3 / (200X200/121)
=5837 seconds