When repairing an electrical appliance, you need a 4.5 ohm resistor. Now there are 2 1 ohm resistors, 4 9 ohm resistors, and 2 4 ohm resistors. What can you do

When repairing an electrical appliance, you need a 4.5 ohm resistor. Now there are 2 1 ohm resistors, 4 9 ohm resistors, and 2 4 ohm resistors. What can you do

Upstairs is right, "using two 9 Ω parallel connection is 4.5 Ω“
In addition, two 1 Ω resistors can be connected in parallel and then connected in series with a 4 Ω resistor to get a resistance value of 4.5 Ω
There are many combinations, are the use of parallel, series, mixed law, their own slowly together

The rated power of a household appliance is 200W. When it is used at 220 V-50 Hz, what is its power consumption per hour,

One hour power consumption is power * hour, 0.2 kwh. Rated power of household appliances is 200W * 1 / 1000W = 0.2 kwh

The power formula of current heating is p = l > 2R, where p is the electric power, l is the rated current and R is the resistance. If the rated power of a household appliance is 1800W and the resistance is ∩, calculate the rated current of the household appliance
