It is known that the gas density in a bubble is 1.29kg/m3, and the average molar mass is 0.029kg/mol. The Avogadro constant Na is 6.02 × 1023mol-1, and the average diameter of the gas molecule is 2 × 10-10m. If the gas in the bubble can completely turn into liquid, please estimate the ratio of the liquid volume to the original gas volume

It is known that the gas density in a bubble is 1.29kg/m3, and the average molar mass is 0.029kg/mol. The Avogadro constant Na is 6.02 × 1023mol-1, and the average diameter of the gas molecule is 2 × 10-10m. If the gas in the bubble can completely turn into liquid, please estimate the ratio of the liquid volume to the original gas volume

Let v 1 be the volume of gas, V 2 be the volume of liquid, M = ρ v 1, n = mmna, V 0 = 43 π (D 2) 3 = 16 π D 3, V 2 = n V 0, V 2V 1 = π ρ, n ad36m = 3.14 × 1.29 × 6 × 1023 × (2 × 10 −)

It is known that the gas density in a bubble is 1.29kg/m3, and the average molar mass is 0.029kg/mol. The Avogadro constant Na is 6.02 × 1023mol-1, and the average diameter of the gas molecule is 2 × 10-10m. If the gas in the bubble can completely turn into liquid, please estimate the ratio of the liquid volume to the original gas volume

Let v 1 be the volume of gas, V 2 be the volume of liquid, M = ρ v 1, n = mmna, V 0 = 43 π (D 2) 3 = 16 π D 3, V 2 = n V 0, V 2V 1 = π ρ, n ad36m = 3.14 × 1.29 × 6 × 1023 × (2 × 10 − 10) 36 × 0.029 = 1 × 104; a: the ratio of liquid volume to original gas volume is 1 × 104

The molar mass of the existing mg gas X2 is mg / mol. if the Avogadro constant is Na, then
1. The amount of substance in the gas is--
2. The total number of atoms in the gas is
3. The volume of the gas under standard condition is---
4. The gas is dissolved in 1L water (without considering the reaction), and the mass fraction of solute in the solution is----
5. The gas dissolves in water to form VL solution, and the concentration of substance in the solution is---
Thank you very much ~ [bow]

Question 1: the mass of matter n = m / M mol. question 2: the total number of atoms n = 2 * n * Na = 2mna / M (* is a multiplier sign). Note that the number of atoms is not the number of molecules. For diatomic molecules, the number of atoms should be multiplied by the number of molecules 2. Question 3: the volume of standard condition v = 22.4 * n = 22.4m/m, and the unit is L. question 4: first, the total mass of solution (...)