How to change resistance current and voltage with sliding rheostat in series circuit? How to change resistance current and voltage with sliding rheostat in parallel circuit

How to change resistance current and voltage with sliding rheostat in series circuit? How to change resistance current and voltage with sliding rheostat in parallel circuit

Series connection: with the increase of sliding rheostat resistance R, the decrease of total current is known by I = u / (R + R); load voltage U1 = U-I * r; the increase of load voltage is known
Parallel connection: if the internal resistance is not considered, the resistance of sliding rheostat increases, the voltage at both ends remains unchanged, but the current decreases, from I = u / R

How does the resistance increase and the voltage change in the series circuit? Which circuit is in parallel?
I don't understand this point in the high school entrance examination the day after tomorrow. Please speak in clear words
I mean the resistance of the appliance

In a series circuit, if the current is the same, the resistance becomes larger. If the total supply voltage remains unchanged, the voltage on the corresponding resistance also becomes larger;
In parallel circuit, the voltage of each resistor is as large as the supply voltage. Even if the resistance becomes larger, if the total supply voltage is constant, the voltage of the corresponding resistor is also constant

The relationship among current, voltage and resistance in parallel series circuit
For example: in a series circuit, the current is equal everywhere, I1 = I2 = I3
It's better to give all their relationships (formulas) the format as above. I'm too stupid and the format is too complex to understand. I'll give you more points! And don't copy

I hate copy! Teach you the secret: 1: Series partial voltage, in which the proportion of partial voltage depends on the proportion of resistance, 2: parallel shunt, shunt ratio also depends on the proportion of resistance. For example: R1, R2 are two series resistors, so the current through the two resistors is the same size, let the current is I, then the voltage at both ends of resistance R1 is U1 = I × R

The relationship between resistance and current and voltage in series circuit and parallel circuit
The higher the resistance of parallel circuit, the higher the current and voltage. The higher the resistance of series circuit, the higher the current and voltage?

The higher the resistance in parallel circuit, the lower the current and the equal voltage. The higher the resistance in series circuit, the greater the voltage drop