Xiaodong's refrigerator's name plate is shown in the following table. When Xiaodong's household appliances only have refrigerator working, it takes 6min to observe the refrigerator from start to stop working, and the turntable of the electric energy meter turns 18 times. Then the refrigerator actually works in one day when it works with rated power consumption______ h. Start up______ Each time, every 1 kilowatt hour consumed, the meter turns______ Power consumption 0.72kw · H / 24h rated voltage 220V refrigerating capacity 4kg input power 120W refrigerant R600a climate type n · st

Xiaodong's refrigerator's name plate is shown in the following table. When Xiaodong's household appliances only have refrigerator working, it takes 6min to observe the refrigerator from start to stop working, and the turntable of the electric energy meter turns 18 times. Then the refrigerator actually works in one day when it works with rated power consumption______ h. Start up______ Each time, every 1 kilowatt hour consumed, the meter turns______ Power consumption 0.72kw · H / 24h rated voltage 220V refrigerating capacity 4kg input power 120W refrigerant R600a climate type n · st

(1) According to the data in the table, the electric energy consumed by the refrigerator is 0.72kw · h, the input power of the refrigerator is 120W = 0.12kw, ∵ P = WT, ∵ the actual working time of the refrigerator every day is t = WP = 0.72kw · h0.12kw = 6h; (2) the starting time of the refrigerator is 6min = 110h, and the starting times of the refrigerator every day is 6h

A classmate measured the monthly power consumption of the refrigerator at home. He disconnected other household appliances and only used the refrigerator. He observed the rotation of the electric energy meter, and found that when the refrigerator was cooling, the rotary table rotated every 12s; when the refrigerator was keeping warm, the rotary table rotated every 120s, and the electric energy meter marked "2000r / (kW & # 12539; H)", According to 30 days per month (the refrigerator works all the time), the monthly power consumption of the refrigerator is_________________ (kW &; H) (degree)


What kind of electric appliance is high power?

General high-power electrical appliances mainly refer to air conditioning, rice cooker, electric cup, induction cooker and fast heating, etc
Generally, the power limit of dormitory is about 450 watts. If the power limit is strict, it will be more than 200 watts
The power of hair dryer is between 700 and 1200 watts, which is also high power

In household appliances, high-power electronic components produce more heat when they work. In order to dissipate heat as soon as possible, metal heat sinks are usually installed on high-power components. The following table shows the specific heat capacity of four metal materials. Which is the best material for heat sink? Why? Specific heat capacity C / [J / (kg ·℃)] al 0.88 Fe 0.46 Zn 0.39 Pb 0.13

It can be seen from the above table that the specific heat capacity of aluminum is the largest. When the temperature of aluminum increases by 1 ℃, the heat absorbed should be larger. Therefore, the specific heat capacity of the four kinds of metal materials is aluminum, and the best material for heat sink is aluminum. Therefore, a is in line with the meaning of the title. B, C and D are not in line with the meaning of the title. Therefore, a is selected