What's the power rating on the household appliances? If it says the rated power is 900W, how much power does the appliance operate at 900W from the beginning to the end? An electric rice cooker, does he start cooking with 900W power? Casually ask the amount of power written on the household appliance, does it mean that the maximum power consumption of this appliance is 900W? Not more than that?

What's the power rating on the household appliances? If it says the rated power is 900W, how much power does the appliance operate at 900W from the beginning to the end? An electric rice cooker, does he start cooking with 900W power? Casually ask the amount of power written on the household appliance, does it mean that the maximum power consumption of this appliance is 900W? Not more than that?

Rated power is the maximum power of a product under normal working conditions
But as you can imagine, not all products work at rated power, and not all products work at rated power during all working hours
But it is certain that the maximum working power of the product will not exceed the rated power
There is a mistake in your supplement. Power consumption is energy, not watt. It should be joule or kilowatt hour. The correct expression should be power times working time
The rice cooker doesn't work at maximum power all the time. From the point of view of control and energy saving, there is no need to do that
Take a hot air conditioner as an example. If it is found that there is a big difference between the current temperature and my set value (for example, 50 degrees), the air conditioner will work at maximum power under the control of the controller to save time. When the temperature is close to the set value, the power of the whole air conditioner will drop. On the one hand, it can avoid the temperature rising too high, and on the other hand, it can save energy, The power of air conditioning is very small, as long as the heat generated and dissipated is basically equal
Your rice cooker work is basically similar to this one
There are several classic control methods, such as PID, PWM, which are the major of electrical engineering and automation

In general, among the following household appliances, the correct power rating from small to large is ()
A. Electronic quartz clock & nbsp; fluorescent lamp & nbsp; electric water heater & nbsp; refrigerator B. fluorescent lamp & nbsp; electronic quartz clock & nbsp; electric water heater & nbsp; refrigerator C. fluorescent lamp & nbsp; electronic quartz clock & nbsp; refrigerator & nbsp; electric water heater D. electronic quartz clock & nbsp; fluorescent lamp & nbsp; refrigerator & nbsp; electric water heater

The rated power of electronic quartz clock is about 0.1W, the rated power of fluorescent lamp is about 40W, the rated power of refrigerator is about 100W, and the rated power of electric water heater is about 1000W

How many kilowatt hours is a 1000W household appliance used

Just one kilowatt hour
1000W = 1kW, 1 kwh = 1kwh (Hh)

How much electricity does a 1000W appliance need per hour

1 kwh per hour