&In the circuit shown in the figure, the fixed resistance R1 = 5 Ω, R2 is sliding rheostat, and the power supply voltage remains unchanged. When the slide P is at the a end, the current representation is 0.6A; when the slide P is at the B end, the voltage representation is 2V, then the power supply voltage is 0.6A______ The maximum resistance value of sliding rheostat R2 is______ .

&In the circuit shown in the figure, the fixed resistance R1 = 5 Ω, R2 is sliding rheostat, and the power supply voltage remains unchanged. When the slide P is at the a end, the current representation is 0.6A; when the slide P is at the B end, the voltage representation is 2V, then the power supply voltage is 0.6A______ The maximum resistance value of sliding rheostat R2 is______ .

(1) When the slide is at the a end, there is only resistance R1 in the circuit. The ammeter measures the current in the circuit, which can be obtained from I = ur, and the voltage of the power supply: u = i1r1 = 0.6A × 5 Ω = 3V; (2) when the slide is at the B end, the maximum resistance of the slide rheostat is in series with resistance R1, and the voltmeter measures the voltage at both ends of R2

A bulb marked "220 V 100 W". What is its rated voltage and rated power?

Rated voltage: 220 V rated power: 100 W

In order to prolong the service life of corridor bulbs, electricians often connect two "220V 100W" bulbs in series into the lighting circuit. When the bulbs light up, the voltage at both ends of each bulb is () V, the current through the filament is () a, and the electric energy consumed by the circuit per second is () J

This problem assumes that the resistance of the bulb is constant. The resistance is (220) ^ 2 / 100 ohm, and then will it?