When the light bulb marked pz220-40 is connected to the circuit for normal lighting, does it consume more or less electric power than 40

When the light bulb marked pz220-40 is connected to the circuit for normal lighting, does it consume more or less electric power than 40

If the voltage is higher than 220, the actual power will be greater than 40 watts. If the power grid is involved in the circuit during the peak period of power consumption, it will not be able to turn on 220 at this time, so it will not turn on 40 watts when the brightness is slightly dark

There is a bulb marked "pz220 40" in the circuit,
The rated voltage of this bulb is____ 5. It normally emits light for one minute and consumes electricity____ When it is connected to a circuit with a voltage of 110V, the actual power is____ .

There is a bulb marked with "pz220 40" in the circuit. The rated voltage of this bulb is (220) v. it consumes electric energy (2400j) for 1 min of normal lighting. When it is connected to the circuit with 110V voltage, the actual power is (10W)

Pz220-40 bulb connected to 110V circuit, the actual power is how much, connected to 440V circuit

No matter which voltage is connected, the resistance is certain. R = u ^ 2 / P = 48400 / 40 = 1210 Ω
When connected to 110V, P = u & # / r = 10W
When connected at 440V, P = u & # 178 / r = 160W, it is not allowed at this time, the lamp will emit strong light, and it will be burnt out instantly

A and B lamps marked with "pz220 40" and "pz220 60" are connected in series in the home circuit (with filament resistance unchanged). After the circuit is connected, the actual power of B lamp is equal to its rated power______ Times. (results retain two significant digits)

The resistance of a lamp R1 = u21p1 = (220V) 240W = 1210 Ω, the resistance of B lamp R2 = u22p2 = (220V) 260W ≈ 807 Ω, the circuit current after series connection I = ur1 + R2 = 220v1210 Ω + 807 Ω ≈ 0.1A, the actual power of B lamp P = i2r2 = (0.1A) 2 × 807 Ω = 8.07w, P real p value = 8.07w60w ≈ 0.13