The circuit diagram of electronic lamp made of 50 3.2v16ma white LED lamps with 220 V power input

The circuit diagram of electronic lamp made of 50 3.2v16ma white LED lamps with 220 V power input

You have 25 in a series, and then two series in parallel, and then a 2w3.5k resistor in the series can be connected to the circuit
Led voltage drop 3.2x25 = 80V
Resistance voltage drop 220-80 = 140V
The current in the circuit is 40mA
140V / 40mA = 3500 ohm = 3.5K

Make a LED lamp, what simple circuit should be used?
Can we use mobile phone charger as LED power supply?

Mobile phone chargers are generally about 5V, so if you make LED lights, you need to see how much current your charging output is. Generally, the working current of each LED is about 20mA, so you can only string a resistor of about 100 ohm to each light, and then parallel LEDs according to your needs, but the parallel current value cannot exceed the rated output value of your mobile phone charger, That is, divide the current output value of your charger by 20mA, and that is the number of parallels

LED lamp circuit diagram
How to draw the circuit of 108 LED lights / 96cm with 24 V voltage

If it is 2.0V, you can make 12 strings of 9 LEDs in each string, and then use resistance to control the current. I think it is better to use high voltage to save electricity

Who knows the conversion between resistance and current? For example, if I use 220 V voltage to connect 50 3V LED bulbs, how to calculate how much resistance to use

220 - "50 * 3" = 70 / 0.02 = 3500, use 3.5K. The power of the utility is 10%. This is the series connection method. The power needs to be amplified a little. Ask: how to amplify? Add a capacitor? How to calculate? Answer: even if the utility is 240 v! 240 - "50 * 3" = 90 / 0.02 = 4500. Use a resistance of 4.5K