The lithium battery used on the mobile phone is marked with 3.6V 900mAh, please estimate the value What is the energy stored in the battery case________

The lithium battery used on the mobile phone is marked with 3.6V 900mAh, please estimate the value What is the energy stored in the battery case________

W = 3.6 * 0.9 * 1 / 1000 = 0.00324 degrees
Learning from the sea in the same boat

Is the battery storing electricity because it converts electrical energy into chemical energy?

Some batteries can be recharged and discharged repeatedly. People call this kind of batteries batteries, also called secondary batteries. Batteries can not store electricity directly, because electricity is the directional flow of electrons, and a large number of electrons can not be stored in the warehouse like ordinary objects

Why is it not energy dissipation that batteries convert chemical energy into electrical energy?

It's just energy conversion. One form of energy is converted into another form of energy. There's no light, heat or anything here
If the electricity is used, the energy will be consumed!

The following batteries are not converted from chemical energy to electrical energy~~~~~~~
The following batteries do not convert chemical energy into electrical energy
1 dry cell
2 battery
3 fuel cell
4 solar cells