A report on Yuan Longping, the father of Hybrid Rice News report on Yuan Longping

A report on Yuan Longping, the father of Hybrid Rice News report on Yuan Longping

Yuan Longping (1930.9.7 -), born in Beijing, was born in De'an County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. He is the founder of Hybrid Rice Research in China, known as "father of hybrid rice", "contemporary Shennong", "rice God", etc

What is the main contribution of Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice in China?
What is Yuan Longping's main contribution?

He solved the problem of food and clothing for one fifth of the world's population;

Why is Yuan Longping known as the father of hybrid rice in the world

Because it was Yuan Longping who developed 2-line hybrid rice. In the 1970s, through the successful research on hybrid rice, China finally increased the yield of rice from 300 kg to 800 kg per mu, and promoted more than 230 million mu, increasing the yield by more than 20 billion kg. All these deeds are attributed to yuan Longping