What did ancient scientist Zhang Heng invent? The explanation should be complete

What did ancient scientist Zhang Heng invent? The explanation should be complete

How to complete the seismograph
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What did Cai Lun, Watt and Bi Sheng invent respectively

The problem is inaccurate
But I know the answer you want
Cai Lun improved papermaking in the Eastern Han Dynasty (the earliest paper in China was discovered in the early Western Han Dynasty)
Watt improved the steam engine instead of inventing it
Bi Sheng of the Northern Song Dynasty invented movable type printing

What do we learn from the story of Cai Lun and Bi Sheng?

We should be good at summing up the experience of our predecessors and work hard. Even if we have some now, we can improve them. They will become better. Of course, we should not stick to the rules but innovate

Who invented what (what is the correct answer?) Cai Lun papermaking Bisheng seismograph Zhang Heng printing watt steam engine
Who else invented what
Answer like this:
Edison invented the electric light

Cai Lun invented papermaking
Bi Sheng invented printing
Zhang Heng invented the seismograph
Watt invented the steam engine