The story of Edison's childhood The story of Edison's childhood

The story of Edison's childhood The story of Edison's childhood

In his childhood, Edison was born at three o'clock in the morning in a snowstorm on February 11, 1847. His father also took him to the street to boast to others. Everyone called him al. When he was a child, Edison loved to ask questions and often asked some strange questions, which made people feel very annoyed. Whether he was a family member or a pedestrian on the road, it was him who made

Is the story of Edison's childhood true?
I mean the story of his childhood! You've seen it for me! For example, he was stupid when he was a child and was expelled from school~

When he was a child, Edison was very fond of asking questions. He often asked some strange questions, which made people feel very annoyed. His family and pedestrians were the objects of his questions. If he was dissatisfied with the adults' answers, he would go to the experiment in person. For example, once al saw a goose in the goose house hatching, he asked his mother why

How many times did Edison fail to invent the electric light

Edison successfully invented the electric lamp after 1001 experiments
Edison made a detailed test plan after carefully summing up the failure experience of predecessors in manufacturing electric lamps, and carried out tests in two aspects: one is to test more than 1600 different heat-resistant materials by classification; the other is to improve the evacuation equipment to make the bulb have high vacuum degree. He also studied the new generator and circuit shunt system
Edison tested more than 1600 kinds of heat-resistant luminescent materials one by one. The only one was white gold, but platinum was so expensive that he had to find a more suitable material to replace it. In 1879, after several experiments, Edison finally decided to use carbon filament as filament. He sprinkled a piece of cotton filament with carbon powder, bent it into a horseshoe shape, heated it in a crucible, made it into filament, and put it into a light bulb, In 1879, on New Year's Eve, the lights of lopark street, where Edison Electric Company is located, were bright

How many times did Edison fail when he invented the electric light

It's said that it's more than 1000, but look at the history of his invention of electric lamp, it's more than 1600. It's because he experimented with more than 1600 materials that he succeeded. The story of Edison's invention of incandescent lamp (time: 2005-12-28 15:5