The story of Edison's invention

The story of Edison's invention

It was dangerous for Edison to invent on the train when he was a child. Later Edison fell in love with this kind of dangerous activity. During the war between AC and DC, he killed an elephant and a condemned man with AC! OK, I admit I have some bullshit, but these are all true!

The story of Edison's invention
Please write down the process of his invention and the things he invented. Each piece is about 100 words (3 pieces),

Synchronous transmitter
In the early days, the telegraph could only transmit one message at a time, and could not exchange signals at the same time. As Edison himself was a telegraph technician, he began to improve the traditional transmitter and made a double transmitter. In 1874, he developed a quadruple transmitter, that is, a synchronous transmitter. Before the development of wireless power, the synchronous transmitter was a major breakthrough
Improved telephone
As we all know, the modern telephone was invented by bell. In fact, the clear reception and transmission of the telephone can be attributed to Edison's experiments again and again. He broke through the traditional pattern and made a toner transmitter, which improved the sensitivity, volume and receiving distance of the telephone at one stroke. Otherwise, when we call now, we will still often say hello! Hello! Can't hear, can't hear clearly
One night in December 1877, the staff of Monroe garden laboratory trembled slightly, not because of the cold, but because they heard that the phonograph left a sound for the first time. This great invention, without much introduction, can be understood by everyone. The French government, therefore, gave Edison the title of sir. Later, Edison improved the phonograph many times, It's not only one or two years since the roller type was changed into a bakelite disc, but also decades of continuous improvement!

What inventions did the scientist Newton have

1-3 Newton's three laws of kinematics, 4 Law of gravitation, 5 invention of reflecting telescope, 6 law of conservation of momentum, 7 law of conservation of angular momentum, 8 binomial theorem, 9 Newton's identity, 10 calculus, 11 dispersion of light