How many experiments did Edison go through before he invented the electric light

How many experiments did Edison go through before he invented the electric light

Edison experienced 13 months of hard work, tried more than 6000 kinds of materials, and tested more than 7000 times before he made an electric lamp. The lamp was on for 45 hours

Brief introduction to the story of Edison's invention of electric light
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In 1878, Edison decided to make an electric lamp of high quality and low price. He put carbon wire in a glass bulb, but it was only on for eight minutes, so he changed 1600 kinds of materials to develop bamboo wire bulb. Until 1906, Edison changed to tungsten wire, which improved the quality of the bulb and has been used today
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Edison invented the electric light

Edison invented the electric lamp and did more than 1500 experiments, but no suitable material was found. Some people laughed at him and said, "Mr. Edison, you have failed more than 1500 times." Edison replied, "no, I didn't fail. My achievement is to find more than 1500 materials that are not suitable for making the electric lamp filament."

How Edison invented electric light

Edison's invention chronology:
On October 11, 1868, he invented "voting counter" and obtained his first patent
In October 1869, he established "pop Edison Company" with his friends
In 1870, he invented the general printing press, granted the patent right, and obtained 40000 US dollars
From 1872 to 1876, he invented electric animation, mechanical and electrical telegraph, automatic repeating telegraph, double and quadruple telegraph, and made wax paper carbon resistor
The acoustic analysis resonator was invented in 1875
In 1876, a laboratory, the first industrial research laboratory, was established in Monroe Park, New Jersey. It was the origination of the concept of modern "research group". It invented the carbon rod transmitter and applied for the patent of automatic telegraph recorder
In 1877, the telephone invented by Bell was improved in Monroe Park and put into practical use. It won three patents: perforated pen, pneumatic iron pen and ordinary iron pen. On August 20, it was proved that Edison's favorite project, the phonograph, was invented
In 1878, Edison claimed to solve the problem of electric lighting. The Royal Society of England held a phonograph exhibition. He improved the phonograph, designed microphone, amplifier, air loudspeaker, sound engine, tuning engine, microcalorimeter, taste meter, etc, In August, he returned to Monroe park to re-enter the scientific research experiment. Britain approved Edison's patent application for "video player". In September, he visited William Wallace of Connecticut to start the research on the invention of electric lamp. On October 5, he filed a patent application for platinum wire "electric lamp"
From 1879 to 1880, after thousands of setbacks, he invented high resistance incandescent lamp, improved generator, designed new current distribution method, circuit alignment and calculation method, invented lamp holder and switch, invented magnetic ore precipitation method
On August 30, 1879, Edison and bell demonstrated their own telephone devices in the city hall of Saratoga Creek. As a result, Edison's telephone was clearer than bell's, It was lit for 40 hours. On November 1, it filed for a patent for a carbon filament lamp. On December 21, the New York Express reported Edison's incandescent lamp. On December 25, 3000 visitors from New York City gave a public light show at Monroe park
In 1880, he studied the helicopter. He obtained the patent right for the invention of electric lamp and made the magnetic ore screening device. On January 28, he put forward the patent for "power transmission and distribution system". On February 18, scribbler published the article "Edison's electric lamp" and officially published the invention of electric lamp. In May, the first ship "Columbia" illuminated by electric lamp was successfully tested
In December, New York Edison Electric lighting company was established
1881 New York Fifth Avenue headquarters set up. Set up an incandescent lamp factory in New York. Set up a generator, underground wires, light parts factory. Test tram in Monroe park
The first central power plant was set up on September 4. At the end of December, more than 150 small power plants were set up all over the United States
On May 23, 1885, he filed a patent for wireless telegraph
From 1887 to 1890, he improved the Cylinder Phonograph and obtained more than 80 patents. He engaged in the manufacture and sale of phonograph, record, language teaching machine, etc
The phonograph was invented in 1888
In 1889, he participated in the Centennial Exposition of Paris. He invented many kinds of electric railways and completed the activity of video camera
From 1890 to 1899, he designed large-scale crushers and grinders. He personally directed the large-scale development of iron ore with new methods in Ogden mine
In 1891, he invented "Edison concentrator" and started his own mining business. He obtained the patent of "motion picture projector". On May 20, the first successful motion picture mirror was displayed to the public at Edison laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey
In 1893, the world's first film studio was built in the courtyard of Edison's laboratory
On April 14, 1894, the first motion picture projector theater was opened in New York
On April 23, 1896, the film was first shown in the concert hall of Coster Bayer in New York by using the "Vita projector", which was warmly welcomed by the public
In 1902, a new type of battery was used to test the power of a vehicle. The journey was 5000 miles. Every time it was charged, it could walk 100 miles
In 1903, Edison's company made the first feature film train robbery
In 1909, it took ten years to study the storage battery. Finally, it was successful. It was made into a fax telegram and won the design patents of raw material machine, fine grinding machine and long kiln
From 1910 to 1914, disc gramophone was completed without damaging records and diamond records
Disc was invented in 1910
In 1912, he invented the sound film and developed a phonograph
In 1914-1915, the synthetic manufacturing method of carbolic acid was invented, and the phonograph and the language teaching machine were combined as the remote writing machine. One telephone can automatically record the other party's speech. Benzene, indigo oil, etc. were manufactured by itself
From 1915 to 1918, 39 inventions were completed, among which the most famous are torpedo mechanism, flamethrower and underwater periscope
In 1927, he finished a long time record
Rubber was successfully extracted from weeds in 1928