Archimedes, Newton, Gauss, Euler. Who is the greatest mathematician

Archimedes, Newton, Gauss, Euler. Who is the greatest mathematician

He harmoniously combined Euclid's strict reasoning method with Plato's vivid and rich imagination, thus "making the calculus continuously cultivated by Kepler, Cavalieri, Fermat, Newton and Leibniz more and more perfect", He discovered the lever principle through a large number of experiments, and put forward many lever propositions with geometric method, and gave strict proofs, among which was the famous Archimedes principle. His mathematical thought contained the idea of calculus, which extended to the field of infinitesimal analysis in the 17th century, and predicted the birth of calculus
E.T. bell of the United States commented on Archimedes in "mathematical figures": any list of the three greatest mathematicians in history must include Archimedes, while the other two are usually Newton and Gauss
1. The mathematical principles of natural philosophy expounds the three laws of motion which were regarded as truth for the next two hundred years, and defines the law of universal gravitation
The foundation of calculus is Newton's most outstanding achievement in mathematics
Newton established the law of cooling
4. Newton created the reflecting telescope in 1672. He proved by the universal gravitation between particles that the external gravitation of a sphere with spherically symmetric density can be replaced by a particle of the same mass in the center. He also explained various phenomena of tides by the principle of universal gravitation, pointing out that the magnitude of tides is not only related to the phase of the moon, Newton predicted that the earth was not a positive sphere. The precession was caused by the perturbation of the sun on the equatorial bulge
1. At the age of 24, he published research in arithmetic, which systematically and extensively expounded the influential concepts and methods in number theory, which deals with the properties and relations of integers
2. On the basis of number theory, Gauss puts forward a criterion to judge whether a regular polygon with a given number of edges can be geometrically drawn
3. Gauss himself created a method to calculate the orbit of a planet with only three observations. He can accurately predict the position of a planet. This method is called "least square method"
Euler's name can be seen in almost every field of Mathematics -- Euler's line of elementary geometry, Euler's theorem of polyhedron, Euler's transformation formula of solid analytic geometry, Euler's function of number theory Euler also created a number of mathematical symbols, such as f (x), ∑ and so on, which made mathematics easier to express and popularize. Moreover, Euler applied mathematics to many fields other than mathematics
Laplace, a French mathematician, once said: read Euler, he is everyone's teacher
The four greatest mathematicians recognized in the history of mathematics are Archimedes, Newton, Euler and Gauss. Archimedes has the heroic words of "lifting up the earth". Newton is famous all over the world because of apple. Gauss showed his talent in computing when he was young, but Euler has no dramatic story to impress people. But they are all famous mathematicians, In order to make outstanding contributions to science, we can not accurately say who is the greatest

Does Newton's classical mechanics system contradict Einstein's theory of relativity

Basically speaking, it is contradictory
Newton mentioned this problem in his later years. The main contradiction is how gravity is transmitted
For example, if the sun disappears, does the earth lose its solar gravity instantaneously, or does it lose its solar gravity only after a few minutes
Newton had realized this problem for a long time, and finally raised it
We can refer to the history of physics and introduce it. For details, we can refer to "strings of the universe" by green B

Is it Einstein or Newton, relativity or Newtonian mechanics, or a combination of the two

In fact, Einstein's theory of relativity does not exclude Newton's classical mechanics, but includes it. Relativity is an extension of classical mechanics, and its application scope is much higher than that of classical mechanics. The former is applicable to both the macro and micro worlds, while the latter is only applicable to the relatively micro world. The former can explain the laws followed by objects moving at low and high speeds, The latter can only explain the motion law of the object at low speed

Einstein's theory of relativity challenges Newton's mechanics

It is not a challenge, but helps and improves Newton mechanics. Many problems are found in the high-speed field, which can not be solved by Newton mechanics, or there are major defects in Newton mechanics. New theories are needed to repair and improve Newton mechanics. Relativity comes forward and extends classical physics to the high-speed field