The difference between Newton's view of time and space and Einstein's view of time and space

The difference between Newton's view of time and space and Einstein's view of time and space

Newton believed that space was flat and free from the interference of matter in it
Time is a line, not disturbed by space
Einstein believed that space and time are intertwined and inseparable, both of which are influenced by matter
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Einstein, the problem of relativity of time and space
In 1905, Einstein said in his theory of Relativity: time is relative. When we move at or near the speed of light, time will be very slow or static. That is to say, if a person travels at the speed of light, time will stop for him. This is very exciting. When a person travels in a spaceship near the speed of light, time will slow down in the process of traveling. Therefore, when he travels in a spaceship near the speed of light, time will slow down, When he returns to the earth, it may be a century. For him, it takes only a little time to enter the future world
When a person travels in a spaceship near the speed of light, the time will slow down during the journey
This statement is very contradictory
Slow down?
What is slowing down?
For example, for an hour, I have been flying at the speed of light for an hour. Isn't that flying out of the earth? Flying out of the earth, I continue to fly. That time has stopped. How do I travel through time and space?
I'm depressed
I don't think so
The speed of light is more than 100 million meters per second
Even if I drive 18000 miles, he still calculates it in seconds
Stop, isn't time synchronized with objects that don't have the speed of light?
In this case, how can we travel through time and space?
I'm so dizzy
I can't figure it out

In fact, it's just our sense of time. Regardless of clocks and natural phenomena, our sense of time passing comes from our own physiological changes. If our metabolism slows down, we don't feel it, but we will find that others are hungry and sleepy, and we haven't felt it, as if their life is shorter than ours, At this time, objectively, our time is slower than others. The effect of approaching the speed of light is that the "physiological change" slows down, that is, the time of those approaching the speed of light slows down. Time stops, and the "time" of crossing time and space is also said from different angles, that is, your time stops and the time of space continues. When you leave the speed of light, your time will re operate, but you feel that you are blinking, This is to break away from the shackles of aging and travel through space, that is, through time and space