Joule to megajoule conversion How many million kilojoules is 648 million joules

Joule to megajoule conversion How many million kilojoules is 648 million joules

648000000 / 1000000 / 1000 = 0.648 MJ

How to create (convert, to be exact) one joule of energy?
You can't rely on your own energy conversion. Solar energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, etc. can be used to reflect the energy of one joule. Be creative.

Work is a measure of energy conversion. Doing 1J work converts 1J energy. A 0.1kg ball drops 1m to obtain 1J kinetic energy

How many kilogram meters is one joule

One joule is one Niu per meter, one kilogram is ten Niu

When a heavy object is pulled by a rope, it moves downward (vertically). In this process, there is gravity and the pulling force of the rope. The mechanical energy must not be conserved. At this time, the direction of the pulling force is opposite to the direction of motion. If you do negative work, the mechanical energy will decrease
But in an electric field, for example, if the field source charge is +, a negative point charge - moves far away, and the electric field force does negative work, why do we say that TV can increase that?
Is the positive work energy increased or the negative attack energy increased?

The first one is that mechanical energy is not conserved. Because the work done by gravity is used to overcome the pulling force instead of converting it into kinetic energy. In addition to the work done by gravity (or the work done by elastic force in the system with spring), if there is external force to do work, such as external force balance, then mechanical energy is also conserved. If there is external force imbalance, then mechanical energy is not conserved
Second: if the electric field force is negative, the electric potential energy will certainly increase
For example: lift the weight up, gravity does negative work, and the potential energy of gravity increases