Why Galileo is "the father of modern science", but it is Newton's classical mechanics system that marks the beginning of the era of human science?

Why Galileo is "the father of modern science", but it is Newton's classical mechanics system that marks the beginning of the era of human science?

Galileo is the pioneer of modern science, Newton is the synthesizer

Newton, the father of modern science
Galileo is the father of modern science, but the title of Newton in history books says that

1. Newton's achievements: many epoch-making inventions
Astronomy: reflecting telescope, studying tidal phenomena, language, the earth is not a sphere;
Physics: Mechanics: classical mechanics theory; optics: sunlight principle, particle theory;
Mathematics: binomial theorem, calculus calculation
2. Status: many achievements, especially classical mechanics, known as the "father of modern science."
Galileo's scientific discovery occupies an extremely important position not only in the history of physics, but also in the whole science. He not only corrected Aristotle's wrong view which ruled Europe for nearly two thousand years, but also created a new method to study natural science
In summing up his scientific research methods, Galileo said, "this is the first time to open the door to new methods. This new method, which will bring a lot of wonderful results, will attract the attention of many people in the future." later, Huygens continued Galileo's research work, He derived the period formula of simple pendulum and the mathematical expression of centripetal acceleration. After systematically summarizing the work of Galileo, Huygens and others, Newton obtained the law of universal gravitation and Newton's three laws of motion. Galileo's spiritual wealth to future generations is precious. Einstein once commented: "Galileo's discovery and his scientific reasoning method are valuable, Is one of the greatest achievements in the history of human thought, and marks the real beginning of physics

How to evaluate the contribution of Newton and Einstein?

Newton has three major laws of mechanics, spectrum, gravitation, calculus for mathematics. Einstein has the theory of relativity, photoelectric effect, mass energy conservation formula and so on
On Einstein's contribution to the cause of international peace
Finally, we write their stories, which enlighten us
For example, Newton's "standing on the back of giants" tells us to be modest. He loves doing things and tells us that it is very important to educate children to improve their practical ability
Einstein worked as a clerk, and he still made this achievement in his spare time. It shows that a person, regardless of his status, as long as he concentrates on his work and is sincere and kind-hearted, will eventually get results

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Idea: there is a theorem to be used here: & nbsp; if the line segment of length | a |, | B |, then the line segment of length | C |, where C is the real root of the equation x ^ 2 + ax + B = 0. & nbsp; the above theorem is actually when there are line segments of length | a | and | B |