What is Sima Qian's view on Qu Yuan's life choice in his biographies of Qu Yuan in historical records? Who is more imaginative? Thank you

What is Sima Qian's view on Qu Yuan's life choice in his biographies of Qu Yuan in historical records? Who is more imaginative? Thank you

Push this ambition, although win glory with the sun and the moon
It means that the reputation or talent is very high and can be compared with the light of the sun and the moon

Brief introduction to Edison's story

Brief introduction to Edison's story
Edison was curious about many things when he was young, and he liked to experiment with them himself until he understood the truth. When he grew up, he devoted himself to research and invention according to his interest in this aspect. He set up a laboratory in New Jersey, In his life, he invented more than 2000 kinds of things, such as electric lamp, telegraph, phonograph, video camera, magnetic separator, crusher and so on. Edison's strong research spirit made him make great contribution to the improvement of human life style
(0) he started his first experiment in his own wooden shed, Edison
Edison liked to think about a series of problems with his unusual big head when he was young. When he saw the blacksmith red the iron in the raging fire, and then hammered it into various tools, Shaking his head, he asked one question after another: what is fire? Why does it burn? Why is it so hot? Why does iron turn red when it is burned in the fire? Why does iron turn soft when it is red? Back home, little Edison started his initial experiment in his own wooden shed. He took hay and lit it. He wanted to find out what the fire was, Little Edison's first experiment led to a fire, burning down the wooden shed
(1) "Life is too short. Think more and do more with less time."
"Waste, the greatest waste is to waste time." Edison often said to his assistant. "Life is too short. Think more and do more with less time."
One day, Edison was working in the laboratory. He handed his assistant an empty pear shaped glass bulb without a light port and said, "you measure the capacity of the bulb." he bowed his head to work again
After a long time, he asked, "what's the capacity?" he didn't hear the answer. He turned his head and saw his assistant holding a tape measure to measure the perimeter and inclination of the light bulb. He took the measured number and leaned over the table to calculate. Because the light bulb is pear shaped, it's not a regular situation. Therefore, it's very difficult to calculate the perimeter and inclination of the light bulb, How can it take so much time? "Edison came up, picked up the empty bulb, filled it with water, handed it to his assistant, and said," pour the water in the measuring glass, and tell me its capacity right away. "
The assistant read out the number at once
Edison said, "it's such an easy method of measurement. It's accurate and time-saving. How can you not think of it? It's a waste of time to calculate it?"
The assistant blushed
Edison murmured: "life is too short, too short, to save time, do more things!"
(2) Everyone here already knows me
Edison was a poor worker before he became famous. Once, his old friend met him in the street and said with concern, "look, this overcoat on you is not in good condition. You should change it for a new one."
"Do you need it? No one knows me in New York," Edison replied nonchalantly
A few years later, Eddie became a great inventor
One day, Edison met his friend on the street of New York again. "Gee," the friend exclaimed, "Why are you still wearing this old coat? This time, you have to change it anyway!"
"Do you need it? Everyone knows me here," Edison replied, still unconcerned
(3) Mom, I want to make a night's sun
One snowy night, Edison's mother suddenly fell ill, and his father rushed to the doctor. The doctor said, "your mother has acute appendicitis, and needs surgery". At that time, there was only oil lamp, but no electric lamp. The light of the oil lamp was very dim, and he would open the wrong knife if he was not careful. Edison suddenly thought of a good way, and he took out all the oil lamps at home, Then he put a mirror behind the oil lamp to let the doctor finish the operation smoothly. The doctor said, "son, you saved your mother with your wisdom and cleverness." Edison took his mother's hand and said, "Mom, I want to make a night's sun."
Reference: once, Edison's mother got appendicitis. Because his family was poor, his mother asked the doctor to have an operation at home. The doctor agreed, but the light in the room was too dark for the doctor to see clearly. Edison had an idea. He gathered the light together through the reflection of the mirror, and the room lit up immediately, and his mother was saved!
(4) Even sleeping is absorbing nutrition from books
One day, his friend joked: "no wonder Edison knew so many inventions. It turned out that he was absorbing nutrition from books even when he was sleeping."
(5) Why can't I when hens can hatch chickens
Once, when it was time for dinner, Edison did not come back. His parents were very anxious and looked around for him. Only in the evening did they find him in the grass shed beside the yard. When his father saw him lying motionless in the grass pile with a lot of eggs, he asked strangely, "what are you doing?" little Edison replied calmly, "I'm hatching chickens!" it turned out that he had a lot of eggs, When he saw that hens could hatch chickens, he felt very strange and always wanted to try it on his own. At that time, his father was angry and funny and pulled him up to tell him that people can't hatch chickens. On the way home, he was puzzled and asked, "why can't I hatch chickens when hens can?"
(6) What's the secret of wild beehive
Edison was always in danger because he was interested in many things. Once, when he went to the house where wheat was stored, he accidentally fell into the wheat bin. The wheat buried his head and couldn't move. He almost died. Fortunately, he was caught by Edison's feet in time and pulled him out. Another time, he fell into the water, When he was 4 years old, he wanted to see what was in the wild honeycomb on the fence, so he poked it with a branch. His face was red and swollen, and he could hardly open his eyes

The story of Edison

Edison, the "king of invention", the telegraph, telephone and electric light, are so common and common in today's advanced science and technology that no one will be surprised. But do you know how important and ecstatic these things were to people at that time? Therefore, human beings remember their inventor - love

What's Edison's birthday? What's Newton's birthday?

Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) was a famous American inventor and entrepreneur. He was born in a peasant family in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. He entered school at the age of 8. After only three months of study, he had to drop out and go home. His mother, who had been a village teacher, tutored him to study by himself