Edison invented the electric light, Watt invented the steam engine. Who else knows what sleep invented?

Edison invented the electric light, Watt invented the steam engine. Who else knows what sleep invented?

Chinese inventor Bi Sheng -- movable type printing Cai Lun -- papermaking Shen Kuo (Song Dynasty) discovered that the thin thread was tied in the center of the magnetic needle (Compass). Huiyuan -- milk powder, milk pimple, meat floss, ancient alchemist -- gunpowder (the earliest gunpowder formula in the world: burning sulfur, saltpeter and soap horn together

What did Cai Lun, Zhang Heng and watt invent respectively?

They are all wrong. Cai Lun reformed papermaking technology, Zhang Houfeng seismograph, Watt steam engine, full marks

"Since ancient times, heroes are young". Countless examples have proved this. Newton founded calculus at the age of 23. What other examples?

Huo Qubing, 19, became a general of Hussars
Yan Shu, a 7-year-old middle-aged scholar
Wang Bo wrote preface to Tengwang Pavilion at the age of 13
Einstein, 26 years old, established "special relativity"
Darwin, 29, put forward "the theory of biological evolution"
Edison 29, invented the phonograph
Marx 30 pairs, Engels 29 pairs, issued the Communist Manifesto