Letters and physical quantities What letter stands for what physical quantity? Where is all I want all of them. I don't want to introduce them. Just give the letters

Letters and physical quantities What letter stands for what physical quantity? Where is all I want all of them. I don't want to introduce them. Just give the letters

Senior high school physics formula summarizes physics theorem, law, formula table 1. Motion of particle (1) ---- linear motion 1) uniform variable speed linear motion 1. Average velocity VT = s / T (definition) 2. Useful inference vt2-vo2 = 2As 3. Middle time velocity VT / 2 = VT + VO / 2 4. Final velocity VT = VO + at 5

Quickly find all the letters in junior high school, and the physical quantities they represent

V is velocity, s is distance, t is time, G is acceleration of gravity, M is mass
C is electric quantity, q is heat, ρ is density, f is frequency, 0 is dot, h is height
η is the mechanical efficiency and λ is the wavelength
G is gravity, f is force, and N is supporting force
W is work, P is power and P is pressure
I is current, u is voltage and R is resistance

P = I ^ R

Power = the square of the current times the resistance
Because P = u × I
So p = I ^ R

One lesson, one practice, one focus () (U = f is the dividing point between < > and < >). Two focus () (U = 2F is the dividing point between < > and < >)
One fractional focus () (U = f is the dividing point between < > and < >)
Bifocal () (U = 2F is the dividing point between < > and < >)

1. To distinguish virtual image from real image, u = f is the dividing point between real image and virtual image (i.e. one time focal length is divided into virtual image and real image)
2. If u = 2F is the dividing point between the enlarged image and the reduced image (i.e. twice focal length sub size), the reduced image is beyond twice focal length, and the enlarged image is within twice focal length