Objects near the earth's surface must be affected by gravity, right?

Objects near the earth's surface must be affected by gravity, right?

Yes. At least as far as I know, there is no counterexample
All objects in the universe are subject to universal gravitation. If the objects near the earth's surface touch the earth's surface, the universal gravitation can be decomposed into a centripetal force pointing to the earth's axis due to the earth's rotation and another force. This force is gravity. If there is no contact, then Universal gravitation is equal to gravity

All objects around the earth are subject to gravity in case ()

I don't know if there is anti gravity now, otherwise gravity will be affected, namely "all"

Does the same object have the same gravity all over the earth? Why?

The gravity of the same object is different at different latitudes of the earth. Gravity is provided by one component of universal gravitation, and the other component provides the centripetal force for the object and the earth to make a circular motion together. The higher the latitude is, the smaller the centripetal force is needed, so the more parts are divided into gravity. Therefore, as the latitude becomes higher, the gravity also becomes larger, and the maximum value of gravity will appear at the two poles

Gravity action of objects
An object is only affected by gravity, the following object motion state description is wrong ()
A. Objects may change from static to moving
B. Objects may keep moving in a straight line at a constant speed
C. Objects may move in curves
D. The speed of the object may decrease

Choose B
A correct, such as free falling objects (ignoring air resistance)
B error. When only one gravity is received, the acceleration is not zero, so it can't keep constant speed
C correct, e.g. objects thrown obliquely (ignoring air resistance)
D correct, such as objects thrown vertically (ignoring air resistance)