Conversion of mathematical units: one year equals many hours It's a lot of minutes, a lot of seconds

Conversion of mathematical units: one year equals many hours It's a lot of minutes, a lot of seconds

1 year = 365 days = 365 * 24 = 8760 hours = 365 * 24 * 60 = 525600 minutes = 525600 * 60 = 3153600 seconds

The conversion of two units in Physics
Is the unit of measurement of air conditioning power "Pi"?
How many watts is one?
How many kilowatt hours per kilowatt hour?

1. (1) "HP" is the input power of the compressor of the air conditioning unit. 1HP = 735w
(2) Cooling capacity of air conditioner q = input power of compressor HP x energy efficiency ratio of air conditioner cop
(3) In general, the cooling capacity of 1Pi is about 2000 kcal, which is converted into SI unit w multiplied by 1.162
So: 1p = 2000 kcal = 2324w
In general:
2200 ~ 2600w ------ 1 piece
3200 ~ 3600W ------ 1.5p
4500 ~ 5100w ------ 2 pieces
(4) The type selection of household air conditioning (sales staff including designers) is generally estimated according to the area load index of the room. The cooling load of room air conditioning is related to many factors, such as the area, orientation, floor, window area, heat dissipation capacity of indoor heat dissipation equipment, etc. generally, it can be calculated according to 160W ~ 250W / m2, It is worth noting that the distance between the indoor and outdoor units of the split air conditioner affects the refrigeration effect of the unit. If the distance between the indoor and outdoor units is too large under special circumstances, which exceeds the requirements of the equipment, the refrigeration effect will be partially affected
2.1 kilowatt hour

How much is 300g

6 Jin

How many amperes is a kilowatt

The question you asked is the most basic one, and it will change with different application fields, so it is very general!
1kW = 1000W
Since you are asking about current, we use electrical formula to calculate!
Simply quoting physical formula, w = VA, W is power, V is voltage, a is current
Your simple equation is 1000 = V * a
So ~ we can't help you if you don't solve V yourself!
For example: when a 1000W bulb is applied with a voltage of 220V, what is the current passing through?
So the formula (1000 = 220 * a) = (a = 1000 / 220) =? Do it yourself!