How many milliamps is equal to how many watts The 12 volt circuit is equipped with 100 LED lights, each of which is 0.8 ma Tell me how to calculate? It's three in series, back in parallel

How many milliamps is equal to how many watts The 12 volt circuit is equipped with 100 LED lights, each of which is 0.8 ma Tell me how to calculate? It's three in series, back in parallel

Is it in series or in parallel?
Series connection: 12 * 0.8/1000
Parallel connection: 12 * 0.8 * 100 / 1000

How many watts is an ordinary lamp, how much is a watt, and how much is a watt

1 degree = 360kw, ordinary lamp is 100W per degree electricity 0.53 yuan

300000 degrees equals thousands of watt hours?

One kilowatt hour is equivalent to 1000 watt hours, which is the electricity consumed by a 1000 Watt electrical appliance in one hour. 300000 kwh is 300000 kwh

How many kilowatts is 30 three HP air conditioners equal to

One 2800 watts, multiply by 30, 84 kilowatts