3.479917 converted into degrees, how to calculate?

3.479917 converted into degrees, how to calculate?

3.479917×180º/π = 3.479917×180º/3.1415926 ≈ 199.38º

XiaoCong's family uses 15 kwh of electricity in three days, and the electricity charge is 7.2 yuan. (1) according to this calculation, how many kilowatts of electricity will be used in February this year?
(2) According to this calculation, how much is the electricity charge payable in March this year?
(3) According to this calculation, how many kilowatts of electricity will be used this year?
(4) If the electricity consumption is 18 kwh in March next year, how many days will the annual electricity consumption be enough for next year?

(1) In February, there are 29 days, 3:15 = 29: X, x = 15 * 29 / 3 = 145 (KWH) ---- answer 1. (2) in March, there are 31 days, and the payment for electricity is: y = (15 * 31 / 3) * 7.2 = 1116 (yuan) ---- answer 2. (3). This year, there are 366 days, 5 kwh electricity is used every day, and the shared electricity is d = 5 * 366 = 1830 (KWH) --