Photoelectric conversion materials for solar cells?

Photoelectric conversion materials for solar cells?

Solar cell
Solar cell is a device that converts light energy into electricity directly through photoelectric effect or photochemical effect
Thin film solar cells based on photoelectric effect are the mainstream, while wet solar cells based on photochemical effect are still in their infancy. The new hole electron pairs are formed when the sun irradiates the semiconductor p-n junction. Under the action of p-n junction electric field, the holes flow from n region to p region, and the electrons flow from P region to n region, This is the working principle of photoelectric effect solar cells. According to the crystalline state, solar cells can be divided into crystalline film type and amorphous film type (hereinafter referred to as a -), and the former can be divided into monocrystalline and polycrystalline
According to materials, it can be divided into silicon thin film, compound semiconductor thin film and organic thin film, and compound semiconductor thin film can be divided into amorphous (a-Si: H, a-Si: H: F, a-sixgel-x: H, etc.), Ⅲ V group (GaAs, InP, etc.), Ⅱ VI group (CDS system) and zinc phosphide (Zn 3P 2), etc

What substance of sunlight does solar panel rely on to generate electricity?

Photons of sunlight

Satellites are powered by solar cells, which are made up of many panels. It is known that the internal resistance of a panel is 20 ohm
Artificial satellites are powered by solar cells. Solar energy consists of many panels. It is known that the internal resistance of a panel is 20 Ω. When this panel is used to supply power to an external circuit with a resistance of 40 Ω, the power supply current is 0.01A. The solution is: 1. The end voltage of the external circuit; 2. The electromotive force of the panel is urgent, which is troublesome for the next process,

Total resistance = 60
EMF = 0.6u
Terminal voltage = electromotive force internal resistance voltage = 0.4u

When the solar panel on the satellite starts to work, what energy is converted into what energy?

Conversion of light energy into electricity